Language is the treasure of the nation

This year, on the occasion of the holiday, scientists of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation at the Faculty of Humanities of PoltNTU and students held an annual scientific and artistic event. Under the guidance of teachers, students of our university from nine countries presented reports on the identity of the culture and language of their countries. They talked about national symbols, history, traditions, recited lines of poetry in different languages, performed vocal-instrumental compositions. The performances were accompanied by interesting and vibrant presentations.

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Irina Ivanitsky congratulated the participants of the scientific and artistic event and noted that active participation of foreign students in the cultural events at our university is one of the indisputable indicators of the successful development of international activity of Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University.

Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Culture and Documentation Irina Perederii turned the spotlight on the annual traditional celebration of the International Day of the native language at PoltNTU in her speech and put emphasis on the fact that language and culture are the most important identifiers of each nation, a symbolic genetic code, an indispensable basic feature of identity, through which each nation realizes themselves as a self-sufficient subject of world history.

The following countries were represented in the reports of the students: Libya, Ghana, Sudan, Cameroon, Turkmenistan, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Lebanon, Ukraine. Their performances impressed with their colorful, content richness, the richness of illustrative material and were perceived by listeners with enthusiasm and interest. Among the speakers there were students of Civil Engineering Faculty and Faculty of Humanities, Educational and Research Institute of Information Technologies and Mechanotronics, Educational and Research Institute of Oil and Gas, Educational and Research Institute of Finance, Economy and Management: Pyrimova Nigara, Raiia Eli Jo, Ikdivash Mohamed, Ali Abubaker, Benjamin Mensakh, Guaty Roy, Atembelah Kelvis, Hryb Liudmyla, Boiko Anna.


The recitation of poetry in various languages  by foreign students, especially, poems of Taras Shevchenko "The Testament" –  in Arabic, "I am the same ..." – in Georgian, "Rove and Groans in the Dnipro wide" – in English and Ukrainian languages, caused a particular admiration among the audience.


Students of Poltava Oil and Gas College of Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University and their scientific leaders have traditionally been actively involved in the holding of a scientific and artistic event devoted to the International Day of the native language. The original decoration of the event was the author's poem "Beloved Ukraine" performed by Ruslana Dzyuba, as well as the song "This is my land", which was sung by Kateryna Burmaka.


This scientific and artistic event is also a kind of training that allows students to better learn Ukrainian as a foreign language and improve their public speaking skills.