Fulbright Graduate Student Program: Studying at American universities during one – two years to get a master's degree. Senior students and university graduates can take part in the competition. Applicants must have at least a bachelor's degree at the time of the scholarship.
The deadline for submitting applications is the 16th of May each year
Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant: Ukrainian Language Teaching (Assistant to US Teachers) at US Universities / Colleges. Novel teachers and young specialists who specialize in linguistics, Ukrainian literature, translation studies, communications, journalism, American studies, and English language teaching can take part in the competition. Applicants must have at least a bachelor's degree at the time of the scholarship.
Deadline for submission of applications is the 1st of June every year
Fulbright Scholar Program: Conducting research in US universities, research centers, libraries, museums, archives, etc., lasting from three to nine months. Candidates and doctors of science can participate in the competition; cultural figures, librarians, journalists and lawyers; researchers without a degree with experience of at least five years; Postgraduate students and applicants on the eve of the defense.
Deadline for applications is the 15th of October every year
Fulbright Research and Development Program: Conducting research in US universities lasting from six to nine months. Persons who is under 40 years old and has two years of professional experience can participate in the competition: teachers; graduate students and researchers who do not yet have a degree; candidates of science (not later than 5 years after protection); administrators of higher educational establishments; employees of research institutions; journalists; specialists in library, museum and archives; specialists in the field of cultural management; employees of public organizations (NGOs).
Deadline for applications is the 1st of November every year
Opportunities for higher educational establishments and scientific institutions of Ukraine
U.S. Fulbright Scholar Program: Inviting American scientists and specialists to teach and conduct research for a term of one or two semesters.
Deadline for applications is the 31st of October every year
Fulbright Specialist Program: Invitating specialists for two – six weeks for giving lectures; participating in scientific programs and conferences; consulting managers and administrators on education management; giving seminars on improving the skills of Ukrainian specialists; modernizing of educational programs and updating of educational materials; launching joint research projects and exchange programs.
The deadline for submitting applications is three – four months before the scheduled arrival date of a specialist
Full and Bright: a detailed guide on how to study in the USA under Fulbright program